This self-study webinar is perfect for the accountant who wants to maintain a sound working knowledge of common GAAP topics. It covers a variety of accounting and financial reporting issues, including:
- Revenue recognition
- Accounting for leases
- Impairments and discontinued operations
- Goodwill impairment
- Materiality
- The impact of COVID-19
To provide accountants with a refresher of important GAAP topics. You’ll explore many complex accounting pronouncements and rules using discussion questions, problems and real-life examples from financial statements and disclosures.
Revenue recognition overview, recent interpretations, transition and adoption of Topic 606
– Multiple deliverables
– When sales are consummated and rights of return
– Consignments and “bill and hold” transactions
– Net vs. gross
– Segmenting and combining contracts -
Accounting for leases—summary and adoption of the New Standard
– Comparison of the old and new standards
– Lease modifications, variable leases, timing and duration - Lessee vs. lessor treatments
- Fixed assets: valuation, impairment, asset retirement obligations
- Discontinued operations
- Goodwill—the latest guidance on impairments, amortization, and nonpublic entities
- Materiality: uses and abuses
- Use of “more likely than not”
- The impact of COVID-19
• Identify the role of intent in regards to a GAAP violation due to materiality
• Identify the primary factors in the determination of materiality
• Identify the party responsible for making adjustments to correct material misstatements
• Identify the purpose of the FASB’s proposed amendment to the ASC in regards to the disclosure section of each topic
• Recognize when the “more-likely-than-not” threshold is considered to be met
• Recognize the advantage of the use of the MLTN standard vs. the higher threshold of FAS 5
• Recognize the threshold for expensing fixed assets
• Recognize fixed assets subject to, and not subject to, depreciation
• Recognize the negative consequences of capitalizing vs. expensing fixed asset costs
• Identify the cost basis of assets held for sale
• Identify at what point a long-lived asset should be considered held for sale
• Identify the issues addressed by FAS 143
• Identify the income statement consequences of the disposition of a retirement obligation
• Identify the applicability of asset retirement obligations to lease contracts
• Identify common long-lived asset impairment test triggers
• Identify the steps for impairment testing of long-lived assets
• Identify the status of disposals qualifying as discontinued operations under ASU 2014-08
• Recognize when it is appropriate to separately account for intangibles other than goodwill and goodwill
• Recognize market related intangibles
• Recognize acquisition scenarios that could result in the recognition of goodwill
• Recognize the unit of account for goodwill impairment testing purposes
• Identify specified characteristics of reporting units
• Identify the acceptable methodologies for assigning goodwill to reporting units
• Recognize the frequency with which goodwill should be tested for impairment
• Recognize the default goodwill amortization period for those entities electing the private company alternative for a simplified goodwill impairment test
• Identify the changes to accounting for goodwill impairments under ASU 2017-04
• Recognize the impetus behind the introduction of the CECL model
• Identify the financial assets within the scope of the CECL model
• Identify the primary characteristics of the CECL model
• Recognize the appropriate considerations behind a CECL forecast
• Identify the presentation of financial liabilities under the FV option of ASC 825
• Identify those securities now measured at FV with changes in FV going through the income statement
• Recognize debt securities that are carried at amortized cost
• Identify the assumptions used in determining the fair value of nonfinancial assets
• Identify the characteristics of market participants in the context of fair value
• Recognize the characteristics of specified valuation approaches
• Identify the key requirements for issuers under the SEC’s proposed climate-related disclosures
• Identify the issuers that would be subject to an assurance requirement for their Scope 1 and Scope 2 GHG emissions under the SEC’s proposed climate-related disclosures
• Recognize the current perspectives on the SEC’s authority to regulate the accounting for crypto assets
• Recognize the components of the FASB’s current proposal for accounting for crypto assets