Cryptocurrencies & Blockchain Technology: The Impact on Finance & Accounting Self-Study Webinar (5 Hours)


Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency designed to function as a medium of exchange. It utilizes computerized encoding and decoding technology to secure and verify transactions, and control the creation of new units. This self-study webinar will:

  • Explain cryptocurrencies and the technologies behind them
  • Show how to use a digitized and decentralized public ledger, known as a blockchain, to accurately and chronologically keep track of transactions without central bookkeeping
  • Discuss the impact of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology in finance and accounting
  • Explore audit considerations and risk assessments

To help accountants and financial professionals gain a strong understanding of cryptocurrencies, the new blockchain technology supporting them, and the role they’ll play in our capital markets.

  • Defining  cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology
  • Analyzing the anatomy of a cryptocurrency transaction
  • Understanding  the vocabulary
  • Examining the attributes of blockchain technology
  • Audit considerations

• Identify the primary characteristics of cryptocurrency

• Recognize the relative growth trajectory of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

• Identify attributes of distributed ledger technology

• Identify the benefits of blockchain technology for processing transactions

• Recognize audit considerations when auditing blockchain technology

• Identify specified situational concerns when auditing significant cryptocurrency transactions

• Identify the appropriate balance sheet treatment of an investment in a cryptocurrency

• Recognize the guidance provided in SAB 121 for entities that operate a cryptocurrency platform

• Identify concerns regarding the legitimacy of the cryptocurrency market

• Recognize a likely future impact of the expanded use of cryptocurrency on the Central Bank

• Recognize the dollar damages experienced by the FTX cryptocurrency platform collapse

• Identify the specifics of the fraudulent activity that occurred at FTX




No advance preparation required.

Level of Knowledge: 


CPE Credit: 
NASBA Field of Study: 