New, more complex accounting issues and disclosures create challenges for today’s busy financial executives. In this two-day problem-solving workshop, you will:
- Gain real-world knowledge of the latest rule changes from the SEC, FASB and more
- Compare new and existing standards and determine how changes impact you
- Get prepared for future changes
- Identify COVID-19 issues
This continually updated two-day program reviews new financial accounting and reporting requirements from the FASB, IASB, AICPA, SEC and other rulemakers. It examines the rulemakers’ current activities and thinking. It also shows you the expected impact and what you need to do to stay compliant.
Recent FASB pronouncements and other works in process
– New guidance on impairment testing: goodwill and intangibles
– Business combinations, consolidations, clarifying the definition of a business, noncontrolling interests, related parties under common control, and push down accounting
– Updates on fair value, OTTI, receivables, valuation and troubled debt restructurings
– Financial instruments: update on derivatives, hedging, FX, credit losses, rate reform, and extinguishment of debt
– Leases—adopting the New Standard
– Pension, defined benefit, defined contribution, and multi-employer plans update
– Industry-specific projects and pronouncements - Variable Interest Entities (VIEs): review and update
- Stock-based compensation: review and update
- Status of international convergence and joint FASB/IASB projects
- Private company reporting: FASB and the PCC (Private Company Council)
- Financial statement presentation: reducing complexity, offsetting assets and liabilities, comprehensive income, cash flows, and disclosures
- Revenue recognition: recent interpretations and adopting the New Standard
- FASB Simplification Initiative, including deferred tax, extraordinary items, debt issue costs, inventory measurement, equity method, balance sheet classification of debt, development stage entities and more
- SEC reporting: hot topics, recent enforcement cases, SEC proposed regulations, compliance issues and filing requirements
- The impact of COVID-19