Many organizations have gone through extensive efforts to comply with Sarbanes-Oxley and other internal control regulations to ensure accuracy in their financial statements. But financial statement controls cover only a small area of risk and often ignore the far greater risks resulting from weak operational and other financial controls. In this self-study webinar, you’ll learn how to:
- Reduce risk with hedging, derivatives and insurance options
- How to manage a crisis
This targeted self-study webinar will provide you with a firm grasp of the common financial and operational risks that still confront companies and what you need to do, beyond insuring against them, to manage those risks.
- Using hedging and derivatives as part of a risk management program
- Making effective use of business insurance in risk management
• Recognize the primary impacts of a cybersecurity breach on an organization
• Identify cybersecurity crisis steps necessary to respond to the breach
• Identify the regulatory players within the cybersecurity realm
• Recognize the role of the Department of Homeland Security in cybersecurity matters
• Identify the focus of the SEC’s jurisdiction over cybersecurity
• Identify risk management areas unique to specified entities