Non-GAAP Measures, Metrics & Disclosures Self-Study Webinar (1.5 Hours)


While the SEC's non-GAAP measures and metrics have been around for some time, they still cause headaches for businesses when it comes to disclosures and financial statements. In this self-study webinar, we will address how companies are currently applying non-GAAP guidance and metrics, and what can be done in response to SEC comment letters to avoid costly fines and penalties. Topics include:

  • Non-GAAP measures and KPIs
  • SEC guidance and interpretations
  • Recent comment letter trends

To provide finance and accounting professionals with the specialized knowledge they need to apply non-GAAP guidance and metrics to disclosures and financial statements.


Sheri Fabian, National Assurance Partner – SEC Services, BDO
Lisa Habash, National Assurance Senior Manager – SEC Services, BDO

  • Overview of Non-GAAP Measures & KPIs
    – Item 303(a)
    – SEC rules
       – Regulation G
       – Form 8-K
    – Regulation S-K 10(e) and Regulation G Requirements
    – Disclosures with respect to non-GAAP measures
  • SEC Staff Guidance
    – SEC Staff C&DI
       – Misleading
       – Prominence
       – Recurring
       – Business combinations
       – Segments
    – Disclosures due to changes in KPI calculations
  • SEC Comment Letter Trends
    – SEC enforcement actions
    – Other SEC guidance
    – Disclosures and considerations

• Identify the reconciliation requirements for Non-GAAP financial measures under Regulation G

• Recognize the importance of presenting GAAP measures with equal or greater prominence than Non-GAAP measures

• Understand how the SEC evaluates and addresses potentially misleading Non-GAAP disclosures

• Identify examples of Non-GAAP financial measures, such as EBITDA and Adjusted Operating Margin

• Distinguish GAAP-compliant measures, such as revenue recognized per GAAP, from Non-GAAP measures

• Understand the SEC’s emphasis on consistent application of Non-GAAP measures across reporting periods

• Recognize how adjustments to Non-GAAP measures and KPIs should be disclosed transparently, including explanations of changes between periods

• Understand the SEC’s disclosure requirements for KPIs, including clear definitions, management use, and investor relevance

• Recognize what information is not mandatory, such as comparisons to industry benchmarks

• Identify practices deemed misleading by the SEC, such as excluding non-recurring charges while including non-recurring gains

• Learn the importance of reconciling Non-GAAP measures to the most comparable GAAP measures to enhance investor understanding




No advance preparation required.

Level of Knowledge: 


CPE Credit: 
NASBA Field of Study: 