Business law has changed dramatically in recent years. Are you still up to speed? Accountants need a current working knowledge of key business law concepts to spot potential problems and avoid legal land mines. Providing a refresher and update of the most common legal issues you’re likely to confront, this self-study webinar:
- Covers selected legal matters related to everyday business encounters
- Updates you on recent developments in employment law
- Explains laws and issues in plain English
- Examines business and personal liability issues that can trap the unwary
To provide the accountant a refresher on legal issues frequently encountered by businesses. You’ll be equipped to identify and resolve issues before they become expensive problems in such areas as employment, contract law, tort liability and bankruptcy. All concepts are clearly explained from a business standpoint.
- Court system and litigation process
Employment law
– How to protect your company and yourself
– Federal and state discrimination laws
– Employment at-will
– Employment-related immigration issues - Employee-independent contractor and exempt/nonexempt issues
- Contract law, including contract interpretation and governing law issues
- Bankruptcy law from a creditor's perspective
- Tort liability, including negligence, defamation and wrongful termination
• Identify the earliest behavior of mankind prior to the development of modern legal concepts
• Identify the overriding theme of modern law
• Identify the characteristics of localized law
• Recognize the monetary threshold for federal jurisdiction where there is diverse citizenship
• Recognize the circumstances necessary for injunctive relief
• Recognize the differences between procedural law and substantive law
• Identify those entities authorized to create administrative law
• Identify the requirements for court standing
• Identify the significance of the Supremacy Clause
• Identify the terminology of federal, state, or local administrative agency rulemaking
• Recognize authorized sources of law
• Recognize the jurisdictional boundaries of the federal court system
• Recognize the separate divisions of power branches incorporated into the US legal system
• Recognize the characteristics of administrative laws
• Identify the courts found within the federal court system
• Identify the term used to describe the locale for which a legal action will take place
• Identify the term used to identify the entity which initiates a lawsuit
• Recognize the context of the legal discovery process
• Recognize the types of court actions typically involving a jury
• Recognize the terminology associated with a reference to the burden of proof
• Recognize the level of discretion the Supreme Court has in hearing a lower court appeal
• Identify the degree to which an individual will be bound by mediation or arbitration
• Identify the characteristics of an administrative agency
• Identify the requirements for appealing an administrative agency finding
• Identify the characteristics of the required contractual element of capacity
• Identify the characteristics of the required contractual element of mutual agreement
• Recognize the basic intention of a court’s contract interpretation
• Recognize examples of an implied contract
• Recognize examples of an express contract
• Recognize the requirements of a valid contract
• Identify those offers that may be revoked
• Identify the characteristics of a valid acceptance of an offer
• Identify the alternatives available to a contractually defrauded party
• Identify those relationships likely to have the potential for undue influence in the context of contract law
• Recognize the categories of individuals with the legal inability to reach an agreement
• Recognize transactions that fall under the statute of frauds
• Recognize the circumstances of a contractual breach
• Recognize the circumstances of anticipatory breach
• Identify the essential elements of a plaintiff’s case in a contract action
• Identify the term for compensation received to an injured party recoverable in tort cases as punishment for malicious conduct
• Identify the characteristics of a negotiable instrument
• Identify the different types of negotiable instruments
• Identify the different types of valid endorsements of negotiable instruments
• Identify the rights of a holder in due course
• Identify the real and personal defenses to the enforcement of a negotiable instrument
• Recognize the term used to describe a legal relationship whereby one person acts for another
• Recognize the different categories of agencies created by a power of attorney
• Recognize the legal duties between a principle and agent